Pigeon Spikes – Frequently Asked Questions
As a leading bird spikes / pigeon spike supplier to homes & businesses across the world – here are some of the common questions we get asked.

What are Anti Bird Spikes or Pigeon Spikes?
Anti Bird Spikes, also known as an anti-roosting spike or roost modification, is a device consisting of long, needle-like rods used for bird control.
They can be attached to building ledges to prevent wild or feral birds from perching or roosting. Birds can produce large quantities of unsightly and unhygienic faeces, and some birds have very loud calls that can be inconvenient for nearby residents, especially at night. As a result, these are used to deter these birds without causing them harm or killing them.
Anti Bird Spikes work by reducing the area available for birds to land on. This forces birds to land elsewhere. As the birds do not come into contact with the spikes, the birds go unharmed.
Described as “the most effective (type of) stand-alone bird deterrent”, Anti Bird Spikes can be placed along ledges, walls, on top of commercial signage, closed circuit television cameras and in rain gutters, in order to prevent birds from perching on the surfaces.
They are most common in city centres and coastal areas, where feral birds are more common and more likely to come into conflict with humans.
What birds do Anti Bird Spikes repel?
Our Anti Bird Spikes are the great all rounder. They can work effectively on larger pest birds like pigeons and seagulls as well as smaller birds like Indian mynas, sparrows and starlings.
The reason they can do this is because of the way the spikes are arranged along the base. The sets of spikes are close enough together (or dense enough) along the base that small birds cannot land in between the rows.
The individual spikes are also long enough (or high enough) that larger birds cannot straddle them and get a foot hold. Some other types of spikes we sell, such as the Avipoint range, are targeted mainly towards repelling pigeons.
As such the spikes are more sparsely spaced along the base which leaves big enough gaps for smaller birds to land in between. So make sure you choose the right spike for the job.
How do you install Anti Bird Spikes?
Installing Bird Spikes is extremely easy.
- Firstly make sure the surface you are attaching the spikes to is clean and clear of any dust, debris or bird droppings. Be aware, bird droppings can carry many diseases that can cause respiratory infections so be careful when cleaning and make sure you wear a suitable dust mask.
- Anti Bird Spikes can be installed to surfaces in several ways. The quickest and easiest way is usually with a UV stabilised silicon adhesive such as Avisil.
- Apply an even bead of silicon along the entire length of the spike base. Position spike strip in the desired location and press down firmly. Repeat this process with subsequent spike strips and link on to the end of the previous strip.
- You can also use nails or screws through the pre-drilled holes along the base.
Will these bird spikes harm or injure the birds?
Bird spikes are designed to create an uneven, spiky surface that birds cannot land on.
The bird sees the spikes, and as a result will not attempt to land on the ledge. These spikes also feature blunted tips so even if the birds do accidentally come into contact they will not be harmed.
What maintenance is required with these spikes?
The great thing about installing bird spikes is they are maintenance free. They offer a long-term, cost effective and maintenance free solution to deterring birds.
Life expectancy of these spikes is approximately 7 years under normal conditions
Bird Control Guide
1) Pigeon (Columba Livia)
Pigeons can be seen all year round, and generally breed between March and July although they are able to breed all year round.
In recent years pigeon numbers have been on the rise as they have grown better at adapting to urban areas, learning to roost and breed in tall buildings and other non-traditional urban areas where they can find adequate shelter.
The reason for this adaptation may stem from the similarity between paces like balconies, loft spaces, flat roofs, or ledges to the traditional homes they once made in cliffs.
Also known as flying rats because they are seen as pests, the modern pigeon is descended from the rock dove which interbred with racing pigeons that escaped captivity, as well as with some domestic pigeons.
Today’s wild pigeons have a variety of looks: some tend to be on the bluer side, others blacker, others a pale grey with some scattered darker markings, and some even have more of a brick red or cinnamon brown colour. In some cases they look exactly the same as wild rock doves, their forefathers.
Pigeons tend to feed on grain and green vegetable matter. The most effective means of control are pigeon spikes, pigeon netting, decoys, post and wire, and acoustic bird deterrents.
2) Seagull or Herring Gull (Larus Argentatus)
Seagulls can also be seen all year round, and tend to breed between April and August. Seagulls can be found all throughout the UK, and are most frequently seen in seaside towns especially during the breeding season. In addition they can be seen all year round at rubbish tips, reservoirs, and playing fields.
Being rather large and noisy, seagulls are quite easy to identify. The adults have white underparts, light grey backs, and their wings are black at the tips.
Their legs are pink, they have webbed feet, and large, slightly hooked bills that tend to be marked by a red spot. The younger seagulls, on the other hand, tend to be a mottled brown.
Seagulls are scavengers, and have an omnivorous diet. The most effective deterrents for seagulls include seagull spikes, seagull netting, acoustic deterrents, and post and wire. In particular we would like to recommend something called the Bird Chase Super Sonic which deters gulls by playing their distress call.
3) Starling (Sturnus Vulgaris)
Starlings can be seen all throughout the year, but larger numbers of them come to the UK in autumn in order to spend the winter there. Starlings often breed about the middle of April.
Starling sightings can occur just about anywhere in the UK with the exception of some parts of the Scottish Highlands. Generally they are more common in the southern parts of England, and less common in the northern moorland areas. Massive roosts of starlings can be discovered in city centres, plantations, and reed beds.
Starlings are most often smaller than blackbirds, and they have although they look black from a distance they have a glossy sheen with some purple and green upon closer inspection.
They have triangular wings, a short tail, and a pointed head. They can fly rather quickly, and can also walk or run on the ground confidently.
They are loud and rather gregarious, often coming together in flocks. In the UK they are the single most common garden bird, yet nevertheless their declining numbers in other parts of the world has earned them as spot on the species red list.
Starlings mostly feed on fruit and insects. The most effective bird deterrents for starlings are acoustic bird deterrents, starling netting, and bird repellent gel or liquid.
4) Sparrow (Passer Domesticus)
Sparrows are also sighted all year round, and they tend to breed between April and August. While sparrows tend to breed and feed close to where people live, they can also be found outside of city centres in the countryside and farmlands.
In many urban areas, sparrow populations are on the decline, yet remain common in smaller towns and villages. They are rarely spotted, however, in most upland areas and are virtually non-existent in some parts of the Scottish Highlands.
Sparrows are rather finch-like, having broad heads, stout bodies, deep conical bills suited to eating seeds, and rounded wings.
They tend to be quite shameless about exploiting human waste and rubbish to the fullest, and although they have managed to expand their population throughout most of the world, at the moment they are struggling to survive in the UK. Sparrow sightings in gardens as well as in the countryside are becoming less and less frequent, enough to earn them a spot on the species red list as well.
Sparrows mostly eat seeds along with whatever scraps are available to them. The most effective means of sparrow control include sparrow netting, decoys, and acoustic deterrents like the Bird Chase Super Sonic which is great for keeping sparrows away from cattle sheds.
5) Crow / Carrion Crow (Corvus Corone)
Crows can be sighted all throughout the year in the UK, and mostly tend to breed between March and April. Crows also tend to appear just about everywhere throughout the country, from upland moorlands, woodlands, the seaside, to city centres.
Crows tend to range from medium to large sized birds, and while the more common carrion crow is all black, some crows can be a mix of black and grey, pied, or even well-patterned or colourful. Crows are rather intelligent and adaptable, not to mention fearless, and are most often seen alone or in a pair. Carrion crows will often search gardens for food cautiously, though they will learn quickly when it is safe to look for food and return regularly if there is food to be had.
Crows will eat fruit, seeds, insects, worms, or any scraps they come across.
What do Crows eat?
Crows tend to eat worms, insects, seeds, fruit and any scraps that they can find. The most effective deterrents for crows tend to be seagull spikes or bird repellent gel.
Effective Crow Deterrents
Effective deterrents include Seagull Spikes and Bird Repellent Gel.
If you would like to receive more detailed information about the bird control products mentioned above, please feel free to contact us directly.